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Practical Wellness, LLC

dba Indigo Roots




I acknowledge that the intent of Practical Wellness, LLC (the “Sponsor”) is to assist me in my quest for personal growth. My decision to participate in classes, workshops, therapies, and activities provided by the sponsor is a personal decision.


Health: I affirm I am fully responsible for my physical and mental health and any medical conditions during this Event. I affirm I have no known medical, mental, emotional or physical conditions which could interfere with my ability to participate in this Event, or else I am willing to assume and bear the costs of all risk that may be created, directly or indirectly by any such conditions. I have not been made any promises that I will receive specific mental or physical health benefits from my participation in the Event, and understand that meditation, yoga, and holistic therapies are not a substitute for treatment or services ordinarily provided by health care professionals. I understand that this Event may include forms of physical contact and movement, and I fully assume the risk of any actual or potential injury or harm of any kind associated with such participation in the Event, including emergency medical treatment and associated costs, however unlikely.


Photos/Social Media: I agree to allow the Sponsor to use photos/video to promote the Studio and its services in a professional/respectable manner in print and online. 


Confidentiality: I agree to keep personal information and stories heard at the Event confidential, and not to share them with anyone outside of the Event unless given specific written permission. I realize the Sponsor can dismiss any Participant form the Event for inappropriate behavior and there will be no refund or fees associated with the Event. I also understand that any instruction given to me during the Event may not be appropriate for other.


Release: I release the Sponsor, its staff members, volunteers, presenters, third party providers, Shannon Jacobs, Practical Wellness, LLC and their officers, agents, and contractors from any and all liability or for any injury to me from participation in the Event, including death, and hold them harmless in any claims brought by me, or on my behalf which contradict the above. I understand that these terms shall serve as a release of liability for my heirs, executors, administrators, and for all members of my family.


I declare that I am at least 18 years old and competent to contract in my own name. I've carefully read, understand and accept the above conditions and agree to abide by them. If Participant is a minor, Parent or Guardian must agree.


Practical Wellness, LLC; 120 W Court St. Suite 1; WCH, OH 43106

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